These kids. This camp. This team, of counselors, directors, clinicians, supporting the gathering of kids whose parents serve our country. Kids who didn’t choose this lot in life. Kids who are so frustrated at the war, so confused, so burdened by the fear and anxiety of their parent’s safety. Yes, so their dad makes it home ‘safe’ but he is definitely not the same dad that left a year prior. War has changed him. It has marred his mental state of mind. His approach with his little daughter is more coarse, more withdrawn. Among the many things, these children take responsibility for this sudden change in their parent.
To come together with other kids their age, coping with all too similar circumstances is a journey of healing. A healing process I am so very privileged to be a part of. It touches my soul. These kids, their tears, the burdens and worries they carry on an hourly basis. Many despise the military and the war. Some want to follow in dad’s footsteps once they are legal age. Some have severe anger issues. Some have mastered the skill of escape, apathy.
I want to offer guidance, affirmation, encouragement, relativity to their struggling hearts. I can only reflect their statements of angst and unidentified emotions. It seems I can only offer to be a sounding wall for their troubles.
I pray that god renews my energy and focus each week to see each of their beautiful hearts. That, under the layers of walls there is a child’s innocent intentions. A child affected by their environment, their family’s circumstance, by no choice of their own. I pray also for patience.
As new campers come each Sunday and depart each Friday afternoon, Saturday is my only day off. I typically like to relax and process the week and prepare mentally for the coming week. I also try to explore a site in the surrounding area of Colorado Springs if I can.
Brief background:
Why a camp for these kids? Because they serve our country too! Through their sacrifice of their parent for months and years at a time. Why Operation Purple? To include all branches/colors of the military. Operation Purple is a branch of the National Military Families Association (NMFA). They have contracted out the Colorado Operation Purple Camps to a company called Outer Edge Performance, the company that I am an employee of. Partnerships are happenin’ all over the place! :)
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