Monday, June 22, 2009

10-days with our future leaders….

This is me, getting ready to rock climb at Castlewood Canyon-Colorado Springs.

But, about those leaders...
Teen Leadership Camp. To create teen leaders in the military community. Teens from around the country (50 or so altogether) will join in central Colorado for 10 days of adventure and leadership development. Camp will follow a military deployment cycle. Teens will go through pre-deployment, deployment, sustainment, reintegration, and post deployment. This process mimics the deployment experience many military parents have experienced.
While at camp, teens will begin coming up with ideas for a service project to bring back to their home communities that they will implement upon returning home.

During the 10 days of skill building and personal development, camp will be bustling with adventure sports and overnight expeditions. We will be taking the teens on an overnight raft trip down the Arkansas, led by Fort Carson Army Base. We will also be staying overnight at a Wolf Preserve, somewhere on the front range.
Then, on Colorado Adventure Day teens have the choice between hiking up Pikes Peak, biking down its celestial mountainsides, or lasso’ing some cattle in a old fashioned cattle drive.

I am very excited and expectant for this last Colorado-Operation Purple Camp. I feel so blessed to have all the adventurous experiences thus far. The campers, the staff, my fellow comrades, have been truly amazing. I am having a blast!

After July 3rd, upon sending the teens on flights back to their home towns, the Outer Edge staff will prepare for our departure to Hawaii on July 7th. We will be partnering with Operation Purple for two more camps on Oah’u.

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